physical variables, placedness, &
the Absolute Dead Center Cube


Among all cubes the characteristic unique to the absolute dead center cube the unit area of whose unitary structure = 82944 (D.G. Leahy, Foundation: Matter the Body Itself [Albany, 1996], pp. 434ff.) is that the circumference in which the face of this cube is inscribed = the area of the circumference circumscribing each of the 36 equal subsquares of that face (ibid., p. 524, n. 98).  The unit value of this identity = 14.

Where the Planck constant h (ibid., p. 526) is the minimum value of the angular momentum of a system of particles and c is the velocity of light, the minimum magnitude of
unicity (u = ml) for a given mass is b = h0/c = 2.210218631 × 10-42 kg m (J. Cossentino, Spacetime Variation and the Physical Variables: Mass of Photons).

Where 1039 is the ratio of the force of
electromagnetism to that of gravity (see also, below, the V/BSA relation), the value of the minimum magnitude of unicity for a given mass is related to the uniquely structured absolute dead center cube as

b = 2.210218631 × 10-42 kg m ~ (14 × 1039)−1 kg m.

Where 10-40 is the ratio of gravitational and electric force in the case of the electron and proton (see also, below, the V/BSA relation), then, with a difference of the order of magnitude of the inverse square of the 'created 100' (Leahy, Foundation, pp. 368ff., et passim),

b = 2.210218631 × 10-42 kg m ~ [14 × (1039 + [82944 × 10-40]−1)]−1 kg m.

Where θ = the golden angle 137.507764º (The Golden Angle: Phyllotaxis & the Epidermal Cell Reduction Ratio), 62208 the body surface area BSA of the absolute dead center cube, and 144π the circumference in which the face of that cube is inscribed = the area of the circumference circumscribing each of the 36 equal subsquares of that face,

14 ~ 62208/θ.

For any cube E/6 is the geometric constant resistance ratio volume/body surface area V/BSA ratio.  The geometric ratio does not vary but its value for a given cube varies relative to an absolute cube.  The absolute cube is the absolute dead center cube the circumference of whose face 14 equals the area of the circumference circumscribing each of the 36 equal subsquares of that face (see above).  The resistance ratio of the absolute dead center cube

V/BSA = 829441/4.1

829441/4 is at once the ratio of the face circumference of the cube whose face = the square of the perfect number 62 = 36––and whose resistance ratio

V/BSA = 1

––to the area of the circle circumscribing each of the 36 equal subsquares of that face.  The resistance ratio of this cube V/BSA = 1 = (1+2+3)/(1×2×3) the unique ratio of the sum of the factors of its edge E = 6 divided by their product.

Since the value of the resistance ratio for a given cube varies relative to that of the absolute dead center cube but the circumference of its face does not equal the area of the circumference of each of the 36 equal face-subsquares (see above), the value of the resistance ratio V/BSA for any given cube varies absolutely, i.e., independently of its relation to other cubes.

Where the mass of the system is directly proportional to the square of the electric charge, the gravitational constant GEARTH-SUN = 6.67 × 10−11  m3 kg−1 s-2 (J. Cossentino, Spacetime Variation and the Physical Variables: Physical Variables [2]), and the face area of a cube is the numerical value of the elementary charge e = 1.60217653 × 10−19 C (see, below, the charge/surface identity)––where therefore the mass of the system is directly proportional to the volume of a hypercube––its volume

V = (1.60217653 × 10−19)1.5,


V/BSA ~ 6.67 × 10−11.

Where 62208 is the absolute dead center cube BSA (see above), φ the division in extreme and mean ratio, φ2/2 the base factor of the epidermal BSA constant (The Langerhans-Epidermal Cell Ratio & the Structure of the Epidermis), and the gravitational constant GEARTH-SUN = 6.67 × 10−11  m3 kg−1 s-2,

6.67 × 10−11 ~ 62208/(φ2/2)128.

Where is the limit at infinity of the ratio of the total value of the edge-sharing triangles produced by the infinite iterative sequential summing of the real trinary logic geometric series to that of its infinitely expanding triangle of digits (Trinary Logic Geometric Series Infinite Iterative Sequential Summing), and 1.60217653 × 10−19 the face area of the cube whose V/BSA resistance ratio is 6.67 × 10−11,

[(1.60217653 × 10−19)/(6.67 × 10−11)]2 × 1017 ~ .

In correspondence on December 31, 2004, Mr. Cossentino noted that since / is the minimum spin of certain subatomic particles Planck's constant is more accurately understood as times the value of the minimum angular momentum. 

In that event, assuming b in terms of h0 as above, where 8π is the geometric constant in Einstein's cosmological field equation Gμν = Tμν (Sorted Diagonals), 784 the second of the three unique numbers 1, 784, and 82944 that are their integral products (Leahy, Foundation, III.6), and (10-45)1/256 ~ the tenth part of the base factor of G 6.67 = that of the V/BSA ratio of the cube above where V = e1.5,  the minimum magnitude of unicity is

b/2 = 2.799251001 × 10-44 kg m ~ 7841/2 × 10-45 kg m,

and, where c is the velocity of light,

b/2 × c/.82944−1/16 ~  8.2944 × 10-36 kg m2 s−1.

Where 14 = the circumference in which the face of the absolute dead center cube is inscribed = the area of the circumference circumscribing each of the 36 equal subsquares of that face, and is the real trinary logic infinite sequential summing arithmetic ratio at once the base factor of the square of the e/G values ratio,

14/784 ~ .

Understood in terms of the thinking now occurring for the first time physical variation is a function of the placedness of physical entities.  The limits of the relativistic variables are a function of the absolute dead center cube resistance ratio E/6 = V/BSA= 829441/4 .

Where c is the velocity of light 299792458 m s−1, b/2 the minimum magnitude of unicity 2.799251001 × 10-44 kg m, 829441/4 = E/6 = V/BSA the resistance ratio of the absolute dead center cube, 103681.5 the absolute dead center cube volume, and 1023 the order of magnitude of the Avogadro constant,

c/(b/2)1/2 ~ 829441/4 × 103681.5 × 1023 kg−1 s−1.

Physical variability per se is a function of the light¾displacing space itself (D.G. Leahy, Novitas Mundi: Perception of the History of Being [Albany, 1994], pp. 326f. and 390f.that constitutes the placing of the places that are the absolutely differenced unities that are planets and particles.

In correspondence on December 14, 2004, Mr. Cossentino wrote:: ". . . m is a field or a resistance to motion caused by other fields, and not an intrinsic property of a material body.  Mass is a variable . . .." 

Cf. Leahy, Novitas Mundi, p. 325: "T = mc . . ..  The essentially new matter is the transcendent form of essentially transcendental thought . . ..  Energy itself appears as pure motion now occurring to thought, more precisely, as an essentially transcendental thinking's transcendent form of comprehending change itself.  Energy itself appears as time itself, through which pure form thought understands what remains to be seen to have occurred without mediation in essence, to have been conceived in existence, therefore, to belong in essence not to the past (not to be something essentially different before now), but now to belong to thought as its transcendent identity in existence."

Unicity is u = h/v = mλ.  Where T = mc in the thinking now occurring and a gram of water = a cubic centimeter of water such that M = L3 is the identity of mass and volume qua matter (Theorem for a Flat Universe: The ρcrit = 3H02/G Building Block 1000), u = h/v = mλ = L4 and L4 = T2.  The hypercube is actual time, q2 = actual charge or absolute energy = the unicity that is the displacement of space itself (= dis-spaced place = sheer place) = mass.  T = (ML)1/2 = L2= u1/2= q.  Time is charge or actual energy or the square root of unicity or surface.  Unity = T/L2 displacement.

In correspondence on 14 December 2004 Mr. Cossentino wrote further that E = uvn = hn = mλ2n2 < mc2 and that "any time mc2 is written with an equal sign =, then the other side of the equation must be infinity (because m is infinity AT c) . . ..  Eu = m2λ3n2 . . ..  This shows that there is nothing particularly special about any of these invented concepts (energy, force, etc.) except that they are useful for calculations on systems and ironically because the concepts either are conserved or approach limits under limited range conditions."

Cf. Novitas Mundi, pp. 325f., where the writer says: "For this thinking now occurring there is no distance in essence apart form time itself.  The constant thing of past thought is now seen to be essentially no different than time itself; no longer is the thing measured by its own standard:

m = E

as if it belonged to itself in essence apart form its being apprehended by a thinking itself essentially transcendent (essentially unconscious of its historical essence).  But insofar as the thing of the past is able to be contemplated in that thinking now occurring as a thing (something essentially impossible: the thing continuing now as a pure convenience):

e2T = mc2,


 T = m,

that is, time itself is the transcendent unity of indivisibles, or, indivisible motion's transcendent actuality in thought; time itself is the measure of the absolute tenuity of the thing."

M = L3 (see above) provides the means for the integration of
T = mc and T = m such that where ML = e2 = q2 = L4 = T2 = u, e2/c2 = T3 = Unity = time itself or absolute charge, and m/T = L = Unity = absolute tenuity, Absolute Unity = mc2/e2T = (L5/T2)/L4T = L/T3 = specific acceleration or time itself the measure of the absolute tenuity (L) (of) the thing = the absolute discontinuity of the continuum.



1  Where the total body volume of the average human adult male is V = .06 m3 (, and the average human BSA ~ 1.73 m2 (The Golden Angle: Phyllotaxis & the Epidermal Cell Reduction Ratio), the human body resistance ratio is

V/BSA ~ 829.44−1/2 m.

Let the average human body height = 67.763263228 in (1.72117086 m), then the volume of the average body is that of a cylinder of that height whose diameter = 8.2944 in (.21067776 m).  67.76263228 in (1.72117086 m) × π(8.2944/2)2 in2 (829.44−1/2 m2) = 3661.424645 in3 = 61023.74409 in3 × .06 = .06 m3.

Where the volume of the absolute dead center cube Vdc = 1055704.767, and the value of the volume of the average human body in cubic inches Vhb = 3661.424645,

Vdc/Vhb ~ 829441/2.

Where the volume of the absolute dead center cube Vdc = 1055704.767, the value of the volume of the average human body in cubic meters Vhb = .06, the value of the velocity of light in meters = 299792458, and the absolute dead center cube V/BSA resistance ratio = 829441/4,

Vdc/Vhb ~ 299792458/829441/4.

Where the total number of layers of cells in the FEU stratum germinativum and stratum incrementum is 5, and the total number of FEU layers of cells is 30 (SB Hoath and DG Leahy, "The Organization of Human Epidermis: Functional Epidermal Units and Phi Proportionality," The Journal of Investigative Dermatology 121, 1440−1446), so that the ratio of the total number of layers in the lower two strata to the total number in the whole FEU is 5/30 = 1/6, then, where the total number of cells in the two lower FEU strata = 5 × 5382 (ibid.) = 26910, and the total number of cells in the two upper FEU strata = 93124 26910 = 66214 (ibid.), and the average number of FEU stratum corneum cells/layer = 1111 (ibid.), on the analogy to the resistance ratio E/6 = V/BSA of the absolute dead center cube,

[26910/829441/4 × 66214/(103681/2 829441/4)]1/2 ~ 1111.

Where the total number of FEU stratum germinativum and stratum incrementum cells = 26910 is the biological analogue in FEU cells of the E/6 = V/BSA resistance ratio, the metric value of the average human body resistance ratio is V/BSA ~ 829.44−1/2, and 55/36 is the first environmental ratio in the series of epidermal segmentation ratios (SB Hoath and DG Leahy, "Formation and Function of the Stratum Corneum," in The Essential Stratum Corneum, ed. R. Marks, J-C. Lévêque, R. Voegeli [London, 2002], pp. 31-40),

26910/829.44−1/2 ~ (55/36)32.

Where the shape of the New Jerusalem "coming down out of heaven from God" is a perfect cube (Revelation 21:16: "The plan of the city is perfectly square, its length and its breadth equal.  He measured the city with his rod and it was twelve thousand furlongs, equal in length and in breadth, and equal in height"), 1000 the dimensionless H20-resolution of the gravitational constant (Theorem for a Flat Universe: The ρcrit = 3H02/G Building Block 1000), V/BSA = 829441/4 the resistance ratio of the absolute dead center cube, and NJCf-d the face diagonal of the New Jerusalem cube (Revelation 21:16),

NJCf-d = 829441/4 × 1000 furlongs.

Where the time required for the replacement of the entire human epidermis is 28 days = 2419200 s (SB Hoath and DG Leahy, "The Organization of Human Epidermis: Functional Epidermal Units and Phi Proportionality"), the edge of the New Jerusalem cube = 12000 furlongs = 2414016 m, the average human BSA ~ 1.73 m2, and flow rate = bimolecular recombination constant = m3/s,

 (2414016 m × 1.731/256 m2)/2419200 s ~ m3/s.



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